Bonds, Loans, Grants & Incentives

Invest Atlanta, the City of Atlanta, and the state of Georgia offer an array of tools and programs to assist your business.

Business Programs & Incentives

There are multiple options to help get financial assistance for your business. Explore our incentives below and get in touch with us through the form at the bottom to get started. We're excited to work with you.

501(c)(3) Bonds

Issued to finance property of applicable non-profit organizations, such as schools, charities, and healthcare facilities.

Industrial Revenue Bond

Long-term, low-interest, below-market financing for construction of or improvements to manufacturing facilities.

Lease Purchase Bonds

Through the issuance of Lease Purchase Bonds, Invest Atlanta holds title to real and personal property for a ten year period. Invest Atlanta enters into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Fulton County Board of Assessors to assess the property under a ramp up schedule starting at 50% in the first year and decreasing by 5% each year for the next 9 years until full taxes are paid in year 11.

Economic Opportunity Fund (EOF)

This discretionary fund is structured on a project by project basis based upon criteria such as job retention and creation in the city of Atlanta, financial strength of the business, and amount of business investment in the project.

Opportunity Zone Tax Credit

The City of Atlanta has several areas consisting of “less developed census tracts” and Opportunity Zones. Qualified businesses locating in a less developed census tract are eligible to receive a $3,500 per employee credit against state corporate income taxes for 5 years. Any legal business locating in an Opportunity Zone receives a $3,500 per employee credit against state corporate income taxes for 5 years.

WorkSource Atlanta

WorkSource Atlanta helps businesses recruit qualified employees, develop a workforce equipped with relevant skills through customized job-based training programs, and up-skill their current workforce.

Georgia Quick Start

The State of Georgia offers the Quick Start program that develops and delivers customized training at no charge to eligible new, expanding and existing companies. This organization can work together with WorkSource Atlanta to provide a comprehensive workforce development program for the company.

Georgia Retraining Tax Credit

All Georgia businesses that file a Georgia income tax return and directly invest in retraining are eligible for tax credits. These can be used to offset up to 50% of a company's state income tax liability, and unused amounts can be carried forward 10 years and combined with other tax credits.

Georgia Film, Television & Digital Entertainment Tax Credit

Across-the-board 20% flat tax credit on minimum qualified Georgia production investments of $500,000.

Georgia Investment Tax Credit

Existing manufacturing or telecommunications support facilities that have operated for at least 3 years and making capital investments of $50,000 are eligible. Taxpayers must choose between this or the Georgia Job Tax Credit. May be applied against 50% of state corp income tax liability and carried forward 10 years.

Georgia Optional Investment Tax Credit

This is offered in lieu of the Investment Tax Credit, with a minimum investment range $5-20 million. The taxpayer can use the tax credit up to the calculated amount for a given year, and the credit can be claimed up to 10 years after property was first placed in service, providing it remains in service.

Georgia Job Tax Credit

Eligible companies receive $750-3,500 per job, per year, for 5 years (unless a new job creation threshold is reached). Credits can be used against 50-100% of tax liability depending upon the tier and can be carried forward for 10 years.

Georgia Quality Job Tax Credit

Companies creating new quality jobs within seven years can qualify. Credits total $2,500-5,000 per job, per year, up to 5 years, and can be used to offset payroll withholdings once all other tax liability has been exhausted. Credits can be carried forward 10 years.

Georgia R&D Tax Credit

New and existing businesses performing qualified Research & Development in Georgia are eligible.

Georgia Mega Project Tax Credit

Companies that employ at least 1,800 net new employees and either invest at least $450 million or have a minimum annual payroll of $150 million are eligible.

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